McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD) is the latest firm to seem set to explore the Metaverse, an online virtual world based on social interaction. In particular, eleven of the twelve trademarks which were filed on February 4 are references to virtual restaurants, symbols, cafés, and other virtual services. The founder of Gerben Intellectual Property, a law firm specializing in trademark law Josh Gerben was the first to bring attention to the applications on Twitter, pointing out that the fast-food company had submitted a total of ten applications. The attorney highlighted that the trademarks indicate the company behind the famous golden arches may plan to offer “a virtual restaurant featuring actual and virtual goods” and “operating a virtual restaurant featuring home delivery.”

McDonalds NFTs

According to the application, McDonald’s will be able to give “downloadable multimedia files” for artwork, audio, and video files, as well as non-fungible tokens (NFTs).  In addition, the iconic American fast-food chain also included its McCafe brand in the trademark registration for the Metaverse domain name. The brand would be ready to offer entertainment services “namely, providing on-line actual and virtual concerts and other virtual events.”  Other ambitions include downloadable material, like virtual food and beverage items, on top of digital gathering places where users may socialize.