To make matters worse, in case you forget who you muted, you won’t be able to find them using the search box because you don’t know their name or username. This article will teach you how to unmute Instagram posts or stories even if you’ve forgotten who you muted.
How To Unmute Posts On Instagram
There are two sides to unmuting posts on Instagram. How you unmute posts when you specifically remember the person you’ve muted is slightly different from how it’s done when you don’t. Lucky for you, we’ll handle both scenarios, one after the other.
If You Remember Their Username
If you know someone’s Instagram name/username, you can unmute their posts as follows:
If You’ve Don’t Remember Their Username
If you can’t remember the username of the person you muted, there are some additional steps you’ll need to take to find their profile. You must either search for their name or username to find them, and that’s a bit difficult when you don’t remember their identity. As a result, you must reach the list of muted accounts:
Ways To Unmute Stories On Instagram
Just like in the case of muting posts, and for the same reasons, different approaches are required when muting the story of someone whose name/username you remember, as opposed to one you don’t. We’ll take a look at both approaches.
If You Remember Their Username
If You Don’t Remember Their Username
If you can’t remember the username/name of the person you muted, you’ll need to look them up in the list of muted accounts. Here’s how you do it: Viola! You’re all done.
Performing actions on Instagram might be difficult since some features are concealed from view. One of such elements hidden from view is the “mute” and “unmute” buttons, but if you know your onions well, they would be no problem. You’ll even be able to put some of your friends through when they don’t know how to go about it.