The problem occurs when you are in many Telegram channels, or your friends keep sharing multiple media files, as your storage will quickly flood with the downloaded media files. To avoid such a scenario, it’s best if you control the auto-download feature. Today’s post covers the steps for stopping Telegram auto-download for Telegram desktop and the Telegram app. We will cover the two options for stopping auto-download on Telegram. Read on and learn.
What is Telegram Auto-Download?
Telegram is a great platform for connecting with friends globally. You can join various Telegram channels depending on the channel’s topic to interact with other subscribers. When someone shares media files on Telegram, you can download them manually by clicking on the media file. Alternatively, you can set Telegram to download any new media file automatically. The auto-download feature on Telegram is a feature that automatically downloads any media file shared on Telegram, regardless of the type of content. Any downloaded media files will be available in your phone’s gallery.
How To Stop Telegram Auto-Download
While the auto-download feature ensures you don’t miss out on downloading any new media file on Telegram, it has its drawback. The main drawback is that the auto-download will download any media file, so your gallery will quickly flood with Telegram media files, including any sensitive content. Moreover, your data will drain faster when the auto-download is enabled. If you are not comfortable with this feature, you can decide to disable it, and we will see the steps to follow for that.
On Android and iPhone
If you access your Telegram account using the mobile app, you can stop the automatic download of media files using the steps below. Once you do so, you will have stopped downloading any Telegram media files automatically unless you click on the particular media file you want to download. The above steps disable downloading of all media files. However, if you wanted to specify which specific media files to stop auto-downloading, you could achieve that using the below steps: That’s how you can turn off the auto-download for all media files and specific media on Telegram.
On Desktop
Note that you can’t use the Telegram web version to stop Telegram auto download. If you’ve downloaded and installed the Telegram desktop app, the steps below will help you to stop Telegram auto download. With the above steps, you can now control how you want to auto-download media files on Telegram. That way, you can restrict the data usage on Telegram and the type of media files that can get downloaded on Telegram.
Knowing how to stop Telegram auto download help save on data usage and limit the media files downloaded on Telegram. We’ve seen the steps for restricting the auto download Telegram feature using the Telegram mobile and desktop apps.