Communities on Discord, typically known as servers, can have hundreds of thousands of members. This makes it difficult for the admin to manage the group alone. A helpful move would be to make self-assignable roles using the YAGPDB bot. But how? Read on to learn more about making self-assignable roles on Discord.

Overview of Self-Assignable Roles on Discord

Roles on Discord refer to a set of permissions for a specific name. For example, the default Discord role @everyone has permission to chat, comment, and access files shared on the server. As a server administrator, you can assign a role, for example, a moderator, that allows the person to mute or ban other members. Users can also have multiple roles, like @moderator and @everyone roles. Discord’s default settings don’t allow users to assign themselves roles. A server administrator has to give you a role. While this is practical for servers with few members, it may be impractical for those with thousands of members. As an administrator, assigning roles alone to manage the group can be challenging. The best thing is to link the server to a bot that allows members to create self-assignable roles. YAGPDB (Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot) is a discord bot with server management features, including making self-assignable roles. There are two ways to self-assign roles using YAGPDB: through a command or a role menu. You can also use multiple menus for different groups and various role modes like single or multiple roles. Next, we cover the steps to making self-assignable roles on Discord.

Step-by-Step Guide on Making Self-Assignable Roles on Discord Using YAGPDB

Before making self-assignable roles, you’ll need to link the bot to your account. This process is also more convenient on a PC than on a mobile app. Here’s how to do it: After linking YAGPDB to your server, the next step is to make self-assignable roles. Follow the steps below:


If you manage a server with hundreds or thousands of people, managing the server and assigning roles as the Administrator can be challenging. The best thing is to link the server to a bot and allow members to make self-assignable roles. YAGPDB (Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot) has several features that will help you better manage your server, including helping you create self-assignable roles.

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