U.S. President Donald Trump put his hope to restore the US economy hurt by COVID-19 pandemic on…the Moon. It sounds weird, isn’t it? But it’s true: the situation on the Earth has slipped from control so there’s a need for power from something above our transient world. It does feel right as Elon Musk also rushes to sell almost all his “physical possessions” worth $38.9 billion. It indicates that he’s no belief in the investment perspective of not only real estate but in shares of his own Tesla. After another Elon’s tweet saying “Tesla stock price is too high imo”, investors have counted a loss of 13% as the share slumped instantly.  But in what direction lies his heart? His look is above the sky as he praises Starship rocket that can one day bring people to the Moon and Mars. And this direction of the thought coincides with the same of Trump.

Trump and Musk linked by similar goals

Amid coronavirus pandemic, on the 6th of April, the President of the largest economy in the world signed an “Executive Order on Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources.” Hence, starting the 30th of April SpaceX has been selected by NASA, U.S. agency, to develop a lunar optimized Starship to transport crew to the Moon, and Musk has highly valued this decision. NASA has got $22.6 billion financings for the current year, and Trump is apparently trying to get to the Moon and Mars as soon as possible. According to my information, Trump has ambitious plans to prolong his stay at the helm of U.S. power through his relatives he’s ready to consequently promote after his second term expires (the defeat in coming elections is off the table for Trump). But he needs fixing economy. The politics of limitless quantitative easing (QE) has already led to Wall Street’s visible rejoice. 30 million Americans have filed initial unemployment claims since mid-March and U.S. stocks have their best month since 1987. The S&P 500 gained +12.7% in April to close at 2,912.43. The S&P 500 lost 1,149 points from its all-time-high in February to the March 23 lows. Since then it has regained +59% of that loss. The Dow Jones Industrials closed the month of April at 24,345.72, a gain of +11.1% on the month. From the March 23 lows, the DJIA has recovered +52.5% of its epic decline from the February peak to the March 23 through.

Moon gold mining

But there’s not enough. The option of abolishing the U.S. dollar and introducing a digital dollar is on the table. Trump has expressed the determination to put the end to the ballooning $24.95 trillion national debt. He said that he “was going to get out of it… if re-elected”. But there’s some fundamental obstacle – gold. The U.S. dollar-dominated world is actually based on gold as a safe haven at least until Bitcoin has come to the scene also in the same role. Is Trump going to start mining vast reserves of gold presumably existing in the depth of the Moon and Mars? This fact may crush gold at the world markets and debase this metal from its status, opening the door to the new era in which the U.S. gets all moral right to abolish old-schooled U.S. dollar and say good-bye U.S. dollar nominated national debt.

Digital dollar on a table

The U.S. may adopt a digital dollar based on Bitcoin in this case. It seems that Russia has some anticipation for such an ill-fated scenario for gold and started selling-off it even before the oil price nightmare and COVID-19 pandemic. This plan of his fellow on “space mission” has led Musk to state that he “doesn’t need the cash”. It seems that the only reasonable non-psychical thing in which he may convert his “physical” wealth is Bitcoin and increases his wealth from the current holdings of 0.25 BTC. Elon has previously had officially gone public with his belief cryptocurrency offers an improved alternative to conventional money. The Moon mission is important in getting people to Mars citing six times less gravity on the Moon than on the Earth. COVID-19 may not be the last virus story humankind has recently faced. So the human bases on the Moon and Mars may play a crucial role in the preservation of humans in the case of such new challenges. Finally, is it a coincidence that the Pentagon has recently released a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, previously UFO) flight footage for the first time in many years?