The Coronavirus pandemic that expanded all over the world has affected the rollout of the 5G technology. Despite these problems, Ericsson continues to be among those companies that consider that the technology will revolutionize the world.

Ericsson Confident About 5G Rollout

There are several telecommunication companies in the industry that have large plans regarding the 5G technology. Indeed, the COVID-19 crisis shows that it is strictly necessary to improve our networks and their reliability. People are now connected on a daily basis to follow lessons, work and use their free time watching movies or videos, among other things. Ericsson informed that they have registered 20% to 100% increase in network traffic in several countries. Moreover, residential regions have also experienced an increase while business areas reported a decrease in network usage. This is according to Ericsson’s Consumer Lab that scrutinized over 10,000 customers in 11 different markets. At the moment, the firm has 33 5G networks in 4 different continents with dozens of contracts firmed with companies around the globe. Some of the countries at the forefront of the 5G rollout include Austria, France and Spain, among others. Patrik Cerwall, head of strategic marketing at Ericsson, stated:

5G is safe says Australian Parliament

The House Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts released a report in which they explained that there are large opportunities in the area of communications with the 5G technology. They informed that innovation and connectivity could provide improved services to customers and companies in Australia. Moreover, they explained that they have investigated whether the 5G technology is harmful, but they assured that the technology is safe to be used. This shows countries are moving forward in the implementation of 5G technology and governments are supporting this expansion. The Coronavirus crisis didn’t only present problems but also great opportunities to improve our telecommunications and the way in which we receive and send data. Read also: