There is nothing special about these zones in comparison to any other reverse lookup zones you may create and manage. According to the RFC, every DNS server should be authoritative for the following three reverse lookup zones.

The reason for this is that clients may sometimes query for standard IP addresses such as, (loopback), and (broadcast). By being authoritative for the zones corresponding to these queries, the DNS server will avoid unnecessary recursion requests sent to the root servers. Generally, the and the zone will not contain any records other than the Start of Authority (SOA) or the Name Server (NS) records. The zone will contain the SOA, NS, and one PTR record for localhost pointing to The behavior of automatically creating these zones can be changed by modifying the Windows registry. Navigate to the following location once you start the Registry editor (regedit.exe): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNS\Parameters Value: DisableAutoReverseZonesType: DWORD (Boolean) If the DisableAutoReverseZones key does not exist or is zero, the Microsoft DNS server will automatically create these zones with the correct entries (none except for a PTR for to localhost). If DisableAutoReverseZones is nonzero, the server does NOT create these zones.